Thursday, November 11, 2010

My mother and me looking through a log wall - yes, there is a family resemblance

Many people remarked on the family resemblance just in seeing the picture of my mother. Now paired with the pictures of me at the same place a few days later you should especially see it. I paired them according to the style of our expressions... the top two go together, as do the bottom two. I stacked them like this because I made this image to post, and people are more used to vertical scrolling than horizontal.

The first picture of my mother stands among the best pictures of a person I've ever taken. I've been taking unusually aggressive measures to make sure it gets out to all the family members.

You'll note I marked this photo copyright. I only do that with photos of family members. I post these rarely and only by permission, and when I do so, it is only for the benefit of family members, not to show up in somebody else's project or video.

The place is Skiles Test city park, just a few miles from here. Its one of the family's favorite places. The log fort wall was there because the city had invited local artists to come create things using materials found on site.

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