Thursday, September 23, 2010

This is the sister blog to ""

Hello, I'm a mid 40s male with fibromyalgia, just diagnosed mid 2010. In addition, my wife has been disabled with migraines for 5 years and has had them most of our 15+ years together. We are both dynamic, intense, creative people and this continues to be the case. However, fibro & migraines both limit our range of activities and make engaging in those still open to us more essential.

I originally created to showcase my creative endeavors to address & express my condition AND encourage others to do so. I intend to keep it up, however several logistical difficulties have led to the necessity of creating a sister blog here at blogger, where I already have a blog dedicated to one of my creative endeavors- recycling old clothes, plastic bags, etc into rugs via an old folk craft known as "toothbrush rugs". You can check it out here.

I hope you can see back posts at the original blog, and I hope in the future to post to both.

Besides the old handicraft, photos and videos are my main media, with a special emphasis on photography from a different perspective (PoV) or with different lighting than one usually sees and videos which employ repeating elements similar to a musical chaconne or fugue.

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